British universities fear that the loss of tens of thousands of Chinese students next year will mean gaping holes in their budgets, after a survey found that only a quarter of those intending to study in the UK were still going ahead.
Nearly 120,000 students from China currently study at British universities, with their tuition fees a key source of income.
Of the 8,000 Chinese students surveyed, 22% said they were likely or very likely to cancel their plans, while 39% said they were unsure. Just 27% said they were not likely to cancel.
One senior university leader told the Guardian that international enrollments at many UK institutions could fall by 50% to 100% in the next academic year.
Universities Scotland, which represents the sector, said a 50% drop in international students would cost its members 435m in 2020-21.
代表该职业的苏格兰大学(Universities Scotland)表明,到2020-2021年,世界学生数量会下降50%,会使其成员丢失4.35亿英镑。
The Institute for Fiscal Studies said while only one in five students on British campuses were from overseas, their fees amounted to nearly a third of all tuition income and close to 7bn in total.
英国财务研讨所(Institute for Fiscal Studies)表明,虽然英国大学的学生中只要五分之一的学生来自海外,可是他们的膏火占到了近悉数膏火收入的三分之一,总额挨近70亿英镑。
“Attempts by universities to make up for this loss by increasing their numbers of domestic students could lead to a desperate scramble, concentrating the income loss on lower ranked universities which would face severe difficulties in recruiting students,” said Laura van der Erve, an IFS research economist.
IFS研讨经济学家劳拉 范德埃夫(Laura van der Erve)表明:“各大学企图经过添加国内学生人数来补偿膏火丢失,这或许会引起一场空前的生源争夺战,收入的丢失首要会集在排名较低的大学,他们在招生方面将会十分困难。”
The University of St Andrews revealed it had already lost 25m from coronavirus disruption, with its principal describing it as “as serious a financial crisis as our university has faced in modern times”.
圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)泄漏,因为冠状病毒的搅扰,该校已亏本2500万英镑。该校的校长描述这是“大学在现代面对的最严峻的财务危机”。
One senior Scottish university executive said it was clear that overseas students were already delaying their start dates or were no longer sure they would study in the UK. This needed urgent attention and significant Treasury funding. The crisis could eventually lead to universities being merged or shut down.
苏格兰大学(Scottish university)一名高管表明,很明显,海外学生已经在推延开学日期或许不再确认他们是否会持续挑选在英国学习。这个状况需求亲近的重视,而且需求政府很多的财务资金。这场危机终究或许会引起大学兼并乃至封闭。